An ancient gate skyrim
An ancient gate skyrim

You will be unable to damage Gauldurson until Tolfdir turns his attention to the orb and strikes it with lightning. Tolfdir will make a remark about the orb and will awaken a particularly powerful draugr by the name of Jyrik Gauldurson. Once you reach the end of Saarthal, you will spot a gigantic glowing orb. If it didn’t work, reload your earlier save and start from the top.ĭefeat Jyrik Gauldurson. If you have done this correctly, pulling the lever should open the way forward. Mentally note this pillar as “four” and rotate it to show the whale.

  • The pillar to your immediate right will rotate no other pillar.
  • Rotate “pillar three” so that it shows the eagle. Mentally note this pillar as “three.” Rotating this pillar will cause the other right pillar to rotate.
  • Approach the right pillar nearest the locked gate.
  • Mentally note this pillar as “two.” Rotating this pillar also rotates the two other pillars on your right.

    an ancient gate skyrim

  • Now approach the closest pillar to your left.
  • Go back to your starting position and reorient yourself.
  • Approach the left pillar nearest the locked gate and mentally note this pillar as “one.” Rotating “pillar one” will also rotate all the other pillars in the room.
  • This will make it easier to rotate them in order without wasting too much time.
  • Save your game before rotating any of the pillars.
  • You should see a snake on the first symbol to your left, a whale on the first symbol to your right, another whale on the second symbol to your left and an eagle on the second symbol to your right.
  • Take note of the four animal symbols etched into the wall prior to reaching the rotating puzzles.
  • You should have two pillars on your left and two pillars on your right with the lever in between them all. Face the locked gate and step back until you see all four pillars in front of you.

    an ancient gate skyrim an ancient gate skyrim

    To solve the puzzle, start by orienting yourself. This second puzzle is a bit trickier as rotating three of the four pillars will also rotate other pillars.

    An ancient gate skyrim