Pew pew pew firestorm
Pew pew pew firestorm

I saw second edition 40k arrive and although I didn’t touch Fantasy for many years I remember the High Elves Vs Goblins box set as the current edition when I was little. I have been involved with gaming for almost 20 years, ever since the day my Dad and I I first stepped into GW Dudley and bought me my first Space Marine Captain. We talked about it, and how it was to a large extent a rip-off of Full Thrust, before discovering that version 2.0 is now available for free online! Hopefully our dusty fleets will be making a reprisal in the next few weeks as we try out this new and interesting version. Which then brings us on to the floating citadel’s previous favourite – Firestorm Armada. Whilst not the best looking game out there, it will keep gamers looking for more realism happy and the rules scale well if you fancy using your own miniatures. Full Thrust seems to shine at the fleet battle scale, with more players and more spaceships making the game better without adding complexity. This game is really old, timeworn, and still popular. Full Thrust is a pretty unique game in the field of spaceship games in that movement rules do not assume that space is full of custard. Next up saw me digging out my ancient Full Thrust rules and miniatures. So if you’re going to play, play with experienced gamers who are willing to show you the ropes. I have played this game previously without guidance during the building part of the game and just found the whole experience frustrating. Overall a good looking game which is fun to play provided you know what you are doing in the fleet building part – knowing which crew combo works best with each ship is half the battle and for some people undoubtedly half the fun. The actual game mechanics are loosely similar to the veritable ‘Wings of War’ biplane combat game, crossed with the combo-building elements of games like Warmachine. Each ship is customisable with crew, weapons and captains. I’m not much of a trekkie but even i could see that there are plenty of ship variations available. Gribblin actually has some trophies for this game so it was under his expert guidance that we set off.

pew pew pew firestorm

The past few weeks have seen the denizens of the floating citadel and friends playing some stellar themed games.įirst up were some games of Star Trek: Attack Wing.

Pew pew pew firestorm