Although in the current beta, full access to the entire galaxy is limited, in the final game, you will be able to visit any of the 400 billion stars in our galaxy on a 1:1 scale. Very realistic representation of space & star systems Elite Dangerous uses publicly available real world star maps that we have of the Milky Way consisting of 150,000 star systems. In essence, you must learn to balance fleet needs, knowing the right time to expand, while keeping large groups of your ships scattered in key positions to await reinforcements should the need arise. However, not expanding quickly enough can halt the player from building up a fleet capable of taking on an enemy, or pirates head-on.

With fleets sometimes taking minutes to arrive at a destination, and defensive structures quickly falling to a massive fleet, it is easy for players to move out of position allowing key worlds to become targeted and lost in enemy incursions if they expand too quickly. While the game, at its heart, does appear to be slow (and sometimes is), awareness of your surroundings is paramount. Due in part to this scale, there is a perceived slowdown in gameplay lengthy building construction, minutes-long research and slow unit movement. Slow-paced logistics and combat necessitates situational awareness Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion is a strategy title on a massive scale, with players able to colonize multiple solar systems in any given match. Where as if choosing a slow ship with good gun capabilities and a high shield power, a good strategy would be to go in guns blazing for each encounter. If choosing a fast ship with low shield power, it will be best to outrun a lot of encounters. Depending on the ship used and what equipment is used or where it is place can greatly affect how the game will play out as well as how the game will need to be played. There are also many choices of ships to use and equipment layouts for each that can be tweaked.

These choices can all effect the final outcome of the game, so it is up to the player to make the best decisions at their disposal. There are many decisions that can be made in the game, such as what parts of an enemy ship to target (their shields, their weapons) or where to concentrate your defensive strategies, such as powering up an ion engine to run, or powering up ones shields to stay and fight. Allows for highly strategic gameplay The rougelike game design combined with the huge amount of choices that can be made in both encounters as well as ship management makes FTL a highly strategic game as you never quite know what the game is going to throw at you.